Regardless of whether you have a desktop computer or laptop, having your monitor turn black can cause panic and stress. However, this is a common issue for computers that you might be able to fix yourself depending on the cause. Learn more about why this happens and a few ways to troubleshoot the problem.
1. Initiated Hibernation Mode
If your monitor turns black, the display might have gone into sleep mode. To wake up your screen, click and move your mouse or trackpad around until your operating system reacts. Then, check the power settings. If you're on energy saver mode, it will put the computer to sleep after a specified time. Also, see if you have a screensaver enabled.
2. Loose Wiring
Many personal computer (PC) blackouts also happen due to an unplugged or faulty cable. Most PCs have a video cable and port connector linking your monitor to your hard drive and power outlet. Check behind your monitor and make sure they’re plugged in. If both are connected but your monitor remains off, test alternative cords or another monitor to diagnose the faulty part.
3. Overheating
Having a hot internal temperature can cause many components to malfunction and crash, including your monitor. This happens either when your PC or laptop’s ventilation fans are blocked off or when your central processing unit (CPU) is working too hard for too long.
Allow the internal components to cool off momentarily before rebooting. Also, make sure your laptop or computer’s ventilation holes aren’t blocked by dust, dirt, or other debris to avoid future crashes.
4. Faulty Video Routing
Sometimes black screens occur because you have the wrong video adapter. This is triggered when you’ve connected a display driver that routes visuals to the wrong output or display. If this occurs, unplug the cord from the original adapter or output and switch to another one.
If you have multiple displays or are attempting to connect your laptop with a PC monitor, another easy fix is changing your output settings on your desktop.
When all else fails, bring your unit to Call The Computer Wizard in Rochester, NY. With over four decades of troubleshooting experience, the company is ready to help with hardware troubleshooting, repairs, data recovery, and other IT support services for residential and commercial clients. Make an appointment with one of the “wizards” by calling (585) 729-4300 or emailing
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